1.Mengze Guo, Lei Zhang, Xudong Fan, Pingping Sun, Jianwei Guo, Zhengnan Li*. Identification of a novel waikavirus infecting Pittosporum tobira in China. Archives of Virology, 2024, 169(7): 144.
2.Pingping Sun, Yuchen Guo, Lei Zhang, Rong Yang, Zhengnan Li*. First report of root rot of goji (Lycium barbarum), caused by Fusarium sambucinum. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2024: 45-51.
3.Yongqing Yang, Yong Wang, Jing Gao, Zhidan Shi, Wenjin Chen, Haiyan Huangfu, Zhengnan Li*, Yan Liu*. Characterisation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici in Infected Tomatoes in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Fungi, (2024), 10(9), 622.
4.Wanwan Zhang, Juncong Liu, Pengkun Cai, Xiao Duan, Zongbo Qiu, Zhengnan Li*, Mo Zhu*. Morphological and molecular characterization of Neoerysiphe galeopsidis causing powdery mildew on Lagopsis supina in central China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, (2024): 1-7.
5.Pingping Sun, Yisen Wu, Mengze Guo, Mo Zhu, Lei Zhang, Juan Zhang, and Zhengnan Li*. (2024). First Report of Powdery Mildew caused by Erysiphe astragali on Sphaerophysa salsula. Plant Disease, PDIS-02.
6.Jing Wang, Jiaying Zhou, Ming Chen, Zhengnan Li*, Shuang Song*. Identification and Genome Characterization of a Dahlia Common Mosaic Virus Isolate from China. Genes, 2023, 14(10): 1833.
7.Yongqing Yang, Zhengnan Li*, Hongxia Sun, Caiyuan Jian, Qingping Zhang, Ziqin Li*. Identification of Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae Causing Zucchini Fruit Rot in Inner Mongolia, China. Horticulturae, (2023), 9(9), 1020.
8.Pingping Sun, Mo Zhu, Lei Zhang, Minhui Li, Chunhong Zhang, Zhengnan Li*.. Occurrence of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe astragali on Astragalus scaberrimus in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Disease, (2023), PDIS-03.
9.Zhengnan Li, Lei Xu, Pingping Sun, Mo Zhu, Lei Zhang, Bin Zhang*, Shuang Song*. Biological and Molecular Characterization of Clover Yellow Vein Virus Infecting Trifolium repens in China. Agronomy, 2023, 13(5): 1193.
10.Xing Li, Chunyan Guo, Yumei Yan, Lijuan Lv, Siqi Li, Wenxin Guo, Zhengnan Li*, Minhui Li*. QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON ANTI-PEST ACTIVITY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS BASED ON VISUALIZATION FRAMEWORK OF KNOWLEDGE GRAPH. Frontiers of Agricultural Science & Engineering, (2023), 10(2).
11.Zhengnan Li, Lei Zhang, Xudong Fan, Qiaolan Liang, Yahan Chen, Minhui Li , Shuang Song. Genomic characterization of a novel torradovirus infecting Arctium lappa L. in China. Archives of Virology, (2023), 168(4), 107.
12.Zhe Wang#, Zhengnan Li#, Dongchen Wu, Qiuye Tian, Shenghui Su, Chenxia Cheng, Jiyun Nie, Yongbing Yuan, Yongzhang Wang, Xiaozhao Xu. DNA methylation variation is crucial to restore adventitious rooting ability during in vitro shoot culture induced rejuvenation in apple rootstock. The Plant Journal, 2023, 114(3):554-569.
13.Qiuye Tian, Mengli Xu, Dongchen Wu, Chaoping Wang, Xianlin Wang, Qinqin Che, Zhengnan Li*, Xiaozhao Xu*. Integrated transgene and transcriptome reveal the molecular basis of MdWRKY87 positively regulate adventitious rooting in apple rootstock. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14:1136616.
14.PingPing Sun, Lei Zhang, XiaoZhao Xu, Mo Zhu, Bin Zhang, ZhengNan Li*, Molecular Characterization of Three Apple Geminivirus Isolates in Crabapples Detected in Inner Mongolia, China. Plants, 2023, 12(1), 195.
15.Pingping Sun, Lei Zhang, Zhengnan Li*. Comparative transcriptome analysis unravels the response mechanisms of Cytospora mali QH2 to a biocontrol agent, Bacillus velezensis L-1. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2022, 164:463-477.
16.Mo Zhu, Xiao Duan, Pengkun Cai, Zongbo Qiu, Zhengnan Li*. Genome Sequence Resource of Trichothecium roseum (ZM-Tr2021), the causal agent of postharvest pink rot. Plant Disease, 2023, 107(1):205-209.
17.Shuang Song, Pingping Sun, Mingxiu Ju, Xingqi Yang, Lei Zhang, Zhengnan Li*. Complete genomic characterization of a reassortment isolate of Sophora yellow stunt virus from Sophora alopecuroides in China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2022, 104(2): 781-786.
18.Mo Zhu, Xiao Duan, Haoran Guo, Wei Huang, Ke Quan, Xiao Yan, Jie Ji, YongFang Li, Zhengnan Li*. Occurrence of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe buhrii on Dianthus chinensis in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Disease, 2021, 105(12): 4154-4154.
19.Xu Wang, Chunguang Wang*, Xiaoyan Li, Zhengnan Li*. Molecular detection and identification of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’-related strain associated with pumpkin witches’ broom in Xinjiang, China. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2021, 60(1): 63-68.
20.Zhengnan Li, Pingping Sun, Lei Zhanga, Shuang Song. First report of basella rugose mosaic virus infecting Anredera cordifolia in mainland of China. Crop Protection, 2021, 139: 105350.
21.Shuang Song, Lei Zhang, Qiang Wang, Junhua Zhang, Zhengnan Li*. Identification and characterization of the first complete genome sequence of prune dwarf virus in China. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2020, 59(2): 371-376.
22.Zhengnan Li, Mingxiu Ju, Lei Zhang, Mengji Cao, Pingping Sun*. Occurrence and molecular variability of apple-associated Luteovirus isolates from apple in China based on coat protein genes. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020, 159(2): 421-426.
23.Zhengnan Li, Pingping Sun, Lei Zhang. Campsis grandiflora as a new host species harbouring two novel 16SrI subgroups of phytoplasmas. Forest Pathology, 2020, 50(4): e12619.
24.Shuang Song, Jie Cui, Guijie Lei, Yufei Chen, Mingxiu Yang, Zhengnan Li* ,Jun-Hua Zhang. Occurrence, infectivity and molecular characterization of hosta virus X in North-east China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020, 42(4): 595-603.
25.Lei Zhang, Peiling Song, Pingping Sun, Wenjun Zhao, Ziqin Li, Zhengnan Li*. Molecular detection and identification of Brassica juncea phyllody and witches’-broom associated phytoplasmas of group 16SrVI-A in Inner Mongolia, China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020, 156: 291-298.
26.Zhengnan Li, Xingkai Lu, Pingping Sun, Jinhua Sheng, Shuang Song. Complete genome sequence of Alfalfa mosaic virus infecting Mentha haplocalyx in China. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2019, 58(3): 663-669.
27.Zhengnan Li, Wilhelm Jelkmann, Pingping Sun, Lei Zhang. Construction of the full-length infectious cDNA clones of Apple stem grooving virus using Gibson Assembly method. Virus Research, 2019, 276: 197808.
28.Shuang Song, Pingping Sun, Yahan Chen, Qiang Ma, Xiaoyun Wang, Mingmin Zhao, Zhengnan Li*. Complete genome sequences of five prunus necrotic ringspot virus isolates from Inner Mongolia of China and comparison to other PNRSV isolates around the world. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 101(4): 1047-1054.
29.Lei Zhang, Pingping Sun, Qiang Ma, Xiaozhao Xu, Hongyou Zhou, Zhengnan Li*. Molecular detection and identification of phytoplasmas in a novel 16SrI subgroup in sunflowers and cocklebur weeds. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 101(3): 701-706.
30.Shuang Song, Huan Liu, Junhua Zhang, Chunqing Pan, Zhengnan Li*. Identification and characterization of complete genome sequence of Alfalfa mosaic virus infecting Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 154: 491-497.
6.榆韧皮部坏死植原体检疫鉴定方法,GB/T 40141-2021,3/7;参与
7.葡萄无病毒苗木繁育技术规程,NY/T 3303-2018,6/6;参与
8.海红果冷冻贮藏技术规程,DB15/T 2488-2021,1/9;制定人;
9.察右中旗胡萝卜病虫草害绿色防控技术规程,DB15/T 2625-2022,1/29;制定人;
10.察右中旗胡萝卜采后处理技术规程,DB15/T 2626-2022,1/29;制定人;
11.紫苏生态种植技术规程,DB15/T 3274-2023,1/11;制定人;
12.长柄扁桃病虫害绿色防控技术规程,DB15/T 3184-2023,1/14;制定人。