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1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:沙葱萤叶甲嗅觉受体的功能研究,32001397,主持
2. 内蒙古自然科学基金项目:亚洲小车蝗嗅觉受体OasiOR17基因的克隆及功能研究,2020BS03037,主持
3. 内蒙古农业大学人才引进项目:沙葱萤叶甲气味结合蛋白的功能研究,NDYB2019-19,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目:化学感受蛋白OasiCSP11在亚洲小车蝗聚集行为中的功能研究,32160633,参加
5. 内蒙古自然科学基金项目:MircoRNA let-7在沙葱萤叶甲成虫夏滞育中的调控作用,参加
6. 成果登记:内蒙古草原沙葱萤叶甲发生规律及综合防治技术的研究,9152019J0039
1. Ling Li, Yuan-Tao Zhou, Yao Tan, Xiao-Rong Zhou, Bao-Ping Pang. Identification of odorant-binding protein genes in Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and analysis of their expression profiles. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2017, 107:550-561. (IF=1.75, JCR Q2)
2. Li Ling, Zhou Yuan-Tao, Tan Tao, Zhou Xiao-Rong, Pang Bao-Ping. Identification and expression profiling of chemosensory protein genes in Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)(英文).昆虫学报, 2018, 61(6):646-656.
3. 李玲, 谭瑶, 周晓榕, 庞保平, 单艳敏,张卓然. 沙葱萤叶甲气味结合蛋白GdauOBP20的基因克隆、原核表达及其结合特性. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(20):3705-3712.
4. Ling Li, Wen-Bing Zhang, Yan-Min Shan, Zhuo-Ran Zhang, Bao-Ping Pang. Functional Characterization of Olfactory Proteins Involved in Chemoreception of Galeruca daurica. Frontiers in physiology, 2021, 12:678698. (IF=4.566, JCR Q2)
5. Zhou Yuan-Tao, Li Ling, Pang Bao-Ping, Shan Yan-Min, Zhang Zhuo-Ran. Antennal transcriptome analysis and expression profiling of chemosensory protein genes in Oedaleus asiaticus (Orthopera: Acrididae)(英文).昆虫学报, 2019, 62(1):21-32.
6. Yuan-Tao Zhou, Ling Li, Xiao-Rong Zhou, Yao Tan, Bao-Ping Pang. Identification and expression profiling of candidate chemosensory membrane proteins in the band-winged grasshopper, Oedaleus asiaticus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, 2019, 30:33-44. ( IF=2.913, JCR Q2)
7. Zhou Yuan-Tao, Li Ling, Zhou Xiao-Rong, Tan Yao, Pang Bao-Ping. Three Chemosensory Proteins Involved in Chemoreception of Oedaleus asiaticus (Orthopera: Acridoidea). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2020, 46(2):138-149 . ( IF=2.626, JCR Q2)
8. Tian-Feng Duan, Ling Li, Yao Tan, Yan-Yan Li, Bao-Ping Pang. Identifcation and functional analysis of microRNAs in the regulation of
summer diapause in Galeruca daurica. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part D. 2021, 37:100786. ( IF=2.913, JCR Q2)
9. Hai-Chao WANG, Ling LI, Yan-Yan LI, Yao TAN, Bao-Ping PANG. Evaluation of reference genes for miRNA expression analysis in Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) using qRT-PCR. Entomological Research, 2021, 51(8):393-402. (IF=1.306, JCR Q4)
10. Ma Hong-Yue, Li Yan-Yan, Li Ling, Tan Yao, Pang Bao-Ping. Regulation of juvenile hormone on summer diapause of Geleruca daurica and its pathway analysis. Insects, 2021, 12(3):237.(IF=2.769, JCR Q3)
11. Ma Hong-Yue, Li Yan-Yan, Li Ling, Tan Yao, Pang Bao-Ping. Juvenile hormone regulates the reproductive diapause through Methoprene-tolerant gene in Galeruca daurica. Insect Molecular Biology, 2021, 30(4):446-458.(IF=3.585, JCR Q2)
12. 马红悦, 李玲, 李艳艳, 谭瑶, 庞保平. 沙葱萤叶甲己糖激酶基因的克隆、相对表达量及RNA干扰效应. 植物保护学报, 2020, 47(6):1210-1218.
13. 段天凤, 李玲, 马红悦, 庞保平, 单艳敏, 张卓然. 沙葱萤叶甲表皮蛋白基因的鉴定及表达谱分析. 昆虫学报, 2020, 63(07):788-797.
14. 李爽, 李玲, 周晓榕, 庞保平, 单艳敏. 沙葱萤叶甲钙结合蛋白基因的鉴定及表达谱分析. 昆虫学报, 2020, 63(09):1059-1069.
15. 马红悦, 李玲, 乌亚汗, 田羽, 李艳艳, 庞保平. 沙葱萤叶甲核糖体蛋白基因GdRpS3a的克隆、分子特性及表达分析. 环境昆虫学报, 2021, 43(05):1220-1228.
16. 李艳艳, 陈龙, 李玲, 谭瑶, 庞保平. 沙葱萤叶甲成虫不同夏滞育阶段的转录组分析(英文). 昆虫学报, 2021, 64(09):1020-1030.
17. 李艳艳, 马红悦, 李玲, 谭瑶, 庞保平, 张恒. 沙葱萤叶甲卵滞育的转录组学分析. 昆虫学报, 2021, 64(10):1136-1144.