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【发布时间】:2022-04-30 【浏览次数】:

首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇。北京时间4月29日下午14时整,由内蒙古农业大学主办,摩尔多瓦国立大学和土耳其特拉基亚大学联合承办的一带一路:向日葵病虫害防治国际研讨会(Belt and Road: International Symposium on Sunflower Pest Control)如期在线召开。摩尔多瓦国立大学校长Maria Duca、特拉基亚大学教授Yalcin Kaya及GG扑克下载 院长周洪友出席会议并致辞,摩尔多瓦国立大学、特拉基亚大学以及内蒙古农业大学相关领域的专家、学者和师生代表共计90余人参加了会议。会议邀请了12位向日葵病虫害研究领域的博士及硕士作主题报告。会议由GG扑克下载 植物保护学科主任赵君教授主持。


会议历时4小时,共设置了关于The impact of regional climate change on sunflower harvest and pathogens incidence、Unravel the cause of sunflower seeds rust - a kind of new disease on sunflower in China、Common diseases in sunflower production in Turkey、The effects of resistance inducer on controlling Sunflower broomrape、Effect of environemental conditions and diseases on seed yield and oil content of sunflower、Unravel the mechanism on decreasing severity of sunflower Verticillium wilt via rotating between sunflower and maize、Determining of broomrape resistance in wild sunflowers、Population dynamics of Frankliniella intonsa from sunflowers in Inner Mongolia、Application of ISSR markers to reveal the genetic diversity of sunflower broomrape、Antifungal Effects of Volatiles Produced by Bacillus subtilis Against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum caused Sunflower White Mold、The molecular characterization of races in sunflower downy mildew、Preliminary study on the function of effector of Puccinia helianthi Schw., the causal agent of sunflower rust等12个学术报告。与会人员就向日葵病虫害相关专题进行了深入的探讨与研究,为推动国际间学术研究和发展奠定了良好的基础。

闭幕式上,GG扑克下载 植保学科主任赵君教授就大会报告做简要性总结,并强调本次研讨会为GG扑克下载 向日葵病虫害防治团队与国际同行在向日葵有害生物研究方面搭建起了学术交流的平台,对推动我国向日葵产业的健康发展以及保障我国一带一路战略的顺利实施具有重要意义。

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